Multi-party Computation (MPC) Protocols
Global Governance Proposals

Global Governance Proposals

This page provides an overview of Webb global governance specific proposals, the proposal structure and the intended use.

Collectively, there are 4 distinct global governance proposals as you can see from the table below. A proposal simply is a message that is voted on which suggests a change in the merkle roots or system. Proposals can be unsigned and unsigned. Below are all global governance proposals that the DKG protocol handles.

Refresh (Governance)Proposal to refresh a contract's governor
AnchorUpdate (Governance)Proposal to update merkle roots
ResourceIdUpdate (Governance)Proposal to add/update a resource ID
ProposalSetUpdate (Governance)Proposal to update the latest proposer set state



ProtocolDocByte SizeArguments
EVMProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: 104 bytes1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. Merkle root (32 bytes)
3. Source ResourceID (32 bytes)
SubstrateProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call (opens in a new tab)
1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. Merkle root (32 bytes)
3. Source ResourceID (32 bytes)
CosmwasmProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call (opens in a new tab)
1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. Merkle root (32 bytes)
3. Source ResourceID (32 bytes)
ink!Proposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call (opens in a new tab)
1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. Merkle root (32 bytes)
3. Source ResourceID (32 bytes)


ProtocolDocByte SizeArguments
EVMProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: 92 bytes1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. New resource ID (32 bytes)
3. Handler address (20 bytes)
SubstrateProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call for a specific handler pallet
1. VAnchor handler pallet call (opens in a new tab)
CosmwasmProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call (opens in a new tab)
1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. New resource ID (32 bytes)
3. Handler address (20 bytes)
ink!Proposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: ≥ 40 bytesEncoded call (opens in a new tab)
1. ProposalHeader (40 bytes)
2. New resource ID (32 bytes)
3. Handler address (20 bytes)


ProtocolDocByte SizeArguments
DKGProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: 68 bytes1. Public key (64 bytes)
2. Nonce (4 bytes)


ProtocolDocByte SizeArguments
DKGProposal Docs (opens in a new tab)Total Size: 48 bytes1. Merkle root (32 bytes)
2. Average session length (8 bytes)
3. Number of proposers (4 bytes)
4. Nonce (4 bytes)